Child care advocates call out Education Minister on claims about proposed regulations for child care

WINDSOR, ON – A group of Windsor families, child care centre operators and child care professionals dropped off a 5,000-signature child care petition yesterday the office of MPP Lisa Gretzky and used the occasion to take Education Minister Liz Sandals to task over her recent comments on proposed changes to existing child care regulations. In…


Library workers to ask ‘Public Library Board of the Year Award’ winner to keep Windsor libraries open

WINDSOR, ON – Frontline Windsor library workers are staging an information picket, Tuesday, March 22, to ask the Windsor Library Board to keep libraries open by negotiating a fair contract and avoid the possible shut down of Windsor libraries, says the Canadian Union of Public Employees (CUPE), representing 62 library workers. “Our members and our…


Toronto experience challenges Pembroke Regional Hospital’s contracting sterilization of surgical instruments

PEMBROKE, ON — CUPE asked today why at least one major institution representing 3 large Toronto hospitals has ended its contract with the company that reprocesses and sterilizes its surgical instruments over quality issues, but Pembroke Regional Hospital would sign a 5 year contract with the same company? After 4 years, Trillium Health Partners, with…


Large hospital’s experience with instrument sterilization company shared at Pembroke media conference Monday

PEMBROKE, ON – After just 4 years, Trillium Health Partners, with 850 hospital beds and many operating suites, ended their 10 year contract with SteriPro and brought sterilization of instruments back in house. This is the same private company that the Pembroke Regional Hospital has signed a multi-year contract with to do the hospital’s surgical…


Proposed changes to child care standards will hurt most vulnerable families, say Windsor residents

New regulations work against children’s development, child safety and availability of infant care spaces WINDSOR, ON – Worried families, nursery operators and child care professionals joined forces today with Windsor-area elected representatives to demand that the provincial government re-think harmful changes to the regulations that govern licensed child care standards in Ontario. The issue has…
