BLM Pride signing

Open letter to PRIDE Toronto Executive Board Co-Chairs, RE: Moving Forward, Strengthening Pride, and Response to Black Lives Matter

Dear Alica and Aaron, I am writing to you as a long-time resident of the Church and Wellesley neighbourhood, long-time Queer and Trans activist and one of Canada’s few openly gay union leaders. I am calling on the Executive Board of PRIDE Toronto to honour its commitment to Black Lives Matter. Let me start by…


Pride action by Black Lives Matter important for LGBTQ+ communities: Fred Hahn

TORONTO, July 4, 2016 – Yesterday’s action by Black Lives Matter was important for the LGBTQ+ communities, says CUPE Ontario President Fred Hahn, one of Canada’s few openly gay union leaders and long-time resident of the Church and Wellesley neighbourhood. “Pride was born out of the police persecution of Toronto’s gay community,” said Hahn. “We…


With employer-imposed deadline looming, CUPE 926 resumes bargaining with Wilfrid Laurier University

‘Our goal is a negotiated settlement, but WLU is driving this bus to a lockout or strike’ on July 10, says CUPE 926 President  WATERLOO, Ont. — With a university-imposed deadline of July 10 for either a lockout or strike looming, negotiators for Local 926 of the Canadian Union of Public Employees (CUPE 926) will…


Talks break down, CUPE 1989 on legal strike for a fair contract with Mississauga Library System

Union urges swift return to bargaining table, “so we can all get back to providing the services residents depend on,” says Laura Kaminker  MISSISSAUGA, Ont. — Following a breakdown in negotiations, workers at the Mississauga Library System (MLS), members of Local 1989 of the Canadian Union of Public Employees (CUPE 1989) today commenced strike action…


Sudbury municipal workers ratify new contract

SUDBURY, ON – The Canadian Union of Public Employees (CUPE) Local 4705, representing roughly 1500 inside and outside workers, has ratified a tentative agreement that was reached with the City of Greater Sudbury last week. “We think this new contract represents fairness for our members, and is responsible to the citizens of Sudbury too,” said…
