Submission Bill 2 Election Finances Bill reintroduced
Submission Bill 2 Election Finances Bill reintroduced
Submission Bill 2 Election Finances Bill reintroduced
Laid off hospital laundry workers will ask at Wednesday 4 p.m. Sudbury rally SUDBURY, ON — With Sudbury’s unemployment rate high, laid off hospital laundry workers are asking Sudbury MPP Glenn Thibeault “why his government is laying them off and moving their jobs to Hamilton” at a rally Wednesday November 2, 2016 at 4 p.m.…
DetailsTHUNDER BAY, ON – Members of Canadian Union of Public Employees (CUPE) Local 87 have extended their strike deadline with the City of Thunder Bay. They have set a new deadline of Monday, November 7th at 12:01 a.m. The union will be taking the employer’s last offer back to its membership this week and…
DetailsAs Ontario’s community union, CUPE knows that a vibrant public education system builds strong communities and healthy economies. Yet Ontario’s post-secondary education system is in crisis. A university degree has become a prerequisite to pursue many job opportunities. At the same time, skyrocketing tuition fees and the lowest per-student funding in Canada are combining to…
DetailsESSEX, ON – Following remarks by Essex County Library Chair that bargaining will only resume with the striking Essex County Library workers after Essex County wraps up its bargaining with the County’s own employees, CUPE 2974 is reminding the Chair that the striking library workers are employed by the Essex Library Board, not the county,…
DetailsBLACK RIVER-MATHESON, ON – A labour disruption has been averted in the Township of Black River-Matheson, after members of the Canadian Union of Public Employees (CUPE) Local 1490 and their employer agreed to take outstanding disputes to binding arbitration. The agreement to go to binding arbitration follows several months of negotiation, and a final…
DetailsNORTH BAY, ON – Members of Canadian Union of Public Employees (CUPE) Local 122, representing municipal and library workers with the City of North Bay, are highlighting their work and their commitment to the North Bay community in a new advertising campaign. The transit shelter, bus, and billboard ads feature the work of several…
DetailsMISSISSAUGA, ON – Once again, efforts to resolve a six-week long strike by 435 frontline, administrative and support workers at the Children’s Aid Society of the Region of Peel (Peel CAS) have fallen apart after management walked away from the table. Last night, negotiators for Local 4914 of the Canadian Union of Public Employees (CUPE…
DetailsKingston, ON — 1,000 hospital staff from across Ontario will rally on Thursday, October 27, 2016 at Kingston General Hospital (KGH) calling for an end to Ontario’s underfunding of hospital care. Ontario has fallen far behind other provinces on hospital spending since the Liberals were elected provincially in 2003. The province has been cutting hospital…
DetailsMISSISSAUGA, ON – Negotiators for striking frontline, administrative and support staff from the Children’s Aid Society of the Region of Peel (Peel CAS) will today hold ‘exploratory discussions’ with Peel CAS to determine if there is a basis to resume negotiations to resolve the six-week-old labour dispute. “If Peel CAS comes to this meeting with…