Who We Are

We are the public health workers – inspectors, nurses, health promoters, dental professionals, nutritionists and dietitians, epidemiologists, business administrators, speech and language experts, communication specialists, and many more.

Our work keeps people healthy and prevent injury, illness and premature death. We do so through a combination of programs, services and policies that protect and promote health. The preventive work of public health is often invisible, but its impact on collective health is profound.

Our work matters because public health matters!

What’s The Issue

Main issues are lack of awareness about the importance of public health interventions, chronic underfunding of the sector, and no real wage increases for workers.

The public health sector has been underfunded for decades, starving the communities from resources they need to maintain good health. The health care crisis can be helped by keeping populations healthier by investing in and strengthening the public health system. Evidence and common sense tell us that preventing illness and injury is less expensive than treating people once they are sick, this is why prioritizing public health makes good economic sense. The yearly 1% provincial increase for the next three years from the Ford government is not enough. Municipalities can not be expected to make-up for this lack of funding. Programs, jobs and the future health of our communities are on the line.

Why Do We Matter?

Public health has a high return on investment. Did you know that….

  •  Every $1 spent on immunizing children with the measles-mumps rubella vaccine saves $16 in health care costs.
  •  Every $1 invested in child car seats saves $58 in avoided medical costs.
  •  Every $1 invested in fluoridated drinking water saves $26 in dental care.
  •  Every $1 invested in tobacco prevention programs saves $22 in societal costs.
  •  Every $1 spent on mental health promotion and early intervention for children and youth saves $2-17 in societal costs.
  •  Every $1 spent on early childhood education and care saves up to $6 in future social spending.


Deputation to Council Info

Impact Statement from a Laid Off Worker

Recent News

Interactive Maps of Public Health Units in Ontario

Public Health Workers

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