Unity Letter on Decent Work in Child Care

We, the undersigned members of CUPE Local 2484, are dedicated front line child care workers who provide accessible, high-quality child care and early learning to families across the Greater Toronto Area. We are united in our belief that our new collective agreement must include adequate paid sick days, guaranteed programming time, workers’ compensation coverage, and support for professional development. All child care workers deserve these four basic elements of decent working conditions, which are also critical to being able to provide a stable workforce and safe, high quality early learning for children. CUPE Local 2484 is committed to the sector’s strategy to move toward a system of universal, publicly funded, not-for-profit, accessible, and affordable child care and early learning. Our working conditions are a key part of that strategy, and our collective agreement must reflect the important contributions we bring to our community.


Learn more about our “Raising the Floor” coordinated bargaining campaign here.

Sign up here to be added to the signatures of our members.