Ignoring own recent history, York University refuses to bargain seriously with student employees; CUPE 1356-2 forced to request conciliation

TORONTO, ON – The Union representing part-time student parking, Closed Circuit Television (CCTV) camera operators and GoSafe (walk-home program) escorts at York University warned today that their employer is ignoring their own recent history of catastrophic labour relations by refusing to seriously negotiate with their workers. “Quite frankly, it’s extremely troubling that an institution that…


Pride Month 2019

Scroll down for a list of pride events across Ontario.  Pride Month this year also marks the 50Th Anniversary of the Stonewall Riots, a series of demonstrations in the US against police raids targeting the LGBTQ2S+ community. This event inspired Canadians to rise and join a worldwide resistance through Pride events and activism. On this…


Ford Government’s attack on workers’ rights a continuation of their assault on the people of Ontario, says CUPE Ontario President

TORONTO, June 5, 2019 /CNW/ – Legislation tabled today at Queen’s Park that would violate public employees’ right to engage in free collective bargaining is a continuation of the Ford Government’s assault on the people of Ontario, said the Leader of the Ontario Division of the Canadian Union of Public Employees (CUPE Ontario). Fred Hahn made the comments today after…


Government review of WSIB must consider expanding coverage to all workplaces: union

TORONTO, ON – The Ontario Compensation Employees Union (OCEU) is launching its ‘Cover Me’ campaign to expand Workplace Safety and Insurance Board (WSIB) coverage to nearly 1.7 million excluded workers in Ontario. By expanding coverage to all Ontario workplaces, WSIB would be better resourced to support Injured Workers, while reducing costs for both employers and…
