New Ontario LTC Act misses opportunity for reforms needed for better resident care, stable workforce and no more profit in care

TORONTO, ON – With this new Ontario Long Term Care Act, the Ontario government has missed an opportunity to enhance resident care by stabilizing the workforce with a guaranteed increase to full-time jobs and universal, across the board wage increases, says Candace Rennick, Canadian Union of Public Employees (CUPE) Ontario, secretary-treasurer. “Equally egregious is not…


While the Ford government delays and distracts, child care advocates call for system overhaul; Ontario must make child care a right

TORONTO, ON – A recent announcement by the Ford government of targeted after-school recreation programs is a further distraction from the province’s failure to sign a child care deal, reports CUPE. Advocates urge Premier Ford to focus on making child care a right in the province by implementing $10-a-day child care and creating a workforce…


Surge in violence against staff “creates toxic work environment,” deepening Ontario’s hospital staffing crisis

TORONTO, ON – Increasing violence directed at hospital staff is among factors driving the worsening staffing shortage in Ontario’s health sector, say two unions representing nearly 70,000 hospital workers province-wide. According to the Canadian Union of Public Employees (CUPE) and SEIU Healthcare, the gravity of the situation was underscored this week with the Ministry of…


“Everyone deserves the health care they need”: CUPE Ontario demands access to gender-affirming and transition-related procedures

TORONTO, ON – The new bill, the Gender Affirming Health Care Advisory Committee Act, is an essential piece of legislation that will save lives and ensure that make access to health care more equitable for all. And now that it’s passed second reading, it’s time to push it over the finish line, refuse to delay…


Premier urged to look at real threats to Ontario hospital viability and staffing crisis; high workloads, chronic understaffing, high infection risks and violence

TORONTO, ON – Responding to a recent letter from Premier Doug Ford asking for input, two of Ontario’s largest health care unions are urging him to move beyond the excuse of vaccination mandates and acknowledge the real reasons why there is a growing and critical shortage of nurses, personal support workers and other hospital staff…


Advocates call on Premier Ford to include decent work, expansion of non-profit spaces in Ontario’s child care agreement with the federal government

Toronto, ON – The Canadian Union of Public Employees (CUPE), the Ontario Coalition for Better Child Care (OCBCC), and the Association of Early Childhood Educators Ontario (AECEO) echo calls on Doug Ford to sign a bilateral child care agreement that puts decent work at its core and includes a moratorium on the expansion of for-profit…


“The resilient flame of resistance shines on”: CUPE Ontario’s statement for the International Day for the Eradication of Poverty

It’s been said so many times it’s become cliché: the pandemic exposed the deep inequities running through our communities from the local to the global. But unlike other clichés, this well-worn phrase must be recognized as an important truth, deserving attention and urgent action. Nineteen months into this crisis, and after multiple waves of this…

Image shows the inside of Sunnyside, a long-term care home, with bright green walls and a large wooden sign that says "Life is Beautiful." A few of the home's residents are in the photo's background.

Ontario LTCs brought in entry-level assistants during the pandemic. Will they play a role in nursing homes’ future?

As nursing homes prepare for the end of pandemic emergency orders, operators want a permanent role for new, low-paid workers. But advocates like CUPE Ontario’s Candace Rennick question the use of inexperienced staff with vulnerable residents, saying it is a “very sad policy choice.” Called “resident support assistants,” the entry-level job was approved by a…
