Hotel Accommodations Information

Note: This page contains outdated content and may not appear correctly.Please Click Here to find recent news, events and information from CUPE Ontario. How do I book hotel accommodations or travel arrangements for delegates? Delegate accommodations are booked through W. E. Travel, which is a CUPE unionized travel agency. Their contact information is:…


Already damaged home care system at risk again as Liberals about to lift ban on competitive bidding when contracts expire March 31 CUPE and Ontario Health Coalition warn! – Brockville

Note: This page contains outdated content and may not appear correctly.Please Click Here to find recent news, events and information from CUPE Ontario. BROCKVILLE, Ont. – Ontario’s home care system, already damaged by the McGuinty government’s continuation of Mike Harris’ contracting out policy, may be only weeks away from further harm if the province lifts…


Liberals should fight recession, not City of Toronto and transit workers CUPE Ontario President says

Note: This page contains outdated content and may not appear correctly.Please Click Here to find recent news, events and information from CUPE Ontario. LONDON, Ont. – Legislative trial balloons to ban strikes at the Toronto Transit Commission (TTC) contrary to the wishes of the City of Toronto will backfire and Dalton McGuinty should direct his…


Reality Check: Economist brings new perspective to Toronto’s budget crunch

Note: This page contains outdated content and may not appear correctly.Please Click Here to find recent news, events and information from CUPE Ontario. Hugh Mackenzie Reality check Toronto’s budget crunch in perspective  TORONTO – Toronto’s budget planning has been a yearly drama ever since amalgamation, with a structural deficit created by provincial downloading, a…


Julius Deutsch, 1953-2010

Note: This page contains outdated content and may not appear correctly.Please Click Here to find recent news, events and information from CUPE Ontario. On Thursday, February 4th, 2010 Julius Deutsch passed away at the age of 56 after a long battle with cancer. He was a friend, mentor and brother to all who knew him,…
