Building Bridges Building Power - Racial Justice and Human Rights Conference

Racial Justice and Human Rights Conference 2017, Committee Election Results

The following delegates from the Racial Justice and Human Rights Conference 2017 were elected to the respective committees for a two year term: Aboriginal Council Dawn Bellerose, Local 1880 Larry Giffin, Local 3798 Miaco Kuzyk-Hildebrand, Local 4207 Racial Justice Yetti Atilola, Local 1750 Joy Davis, Local 4400 Michael Gordon, Local 1483 Rebecca Jegeshar, Local 79…


Paramedics protest at Queen’s Park Tuesday; say province is courting death and disaster with changes to Ambulance Act

  TORONTO, ON – In an uncommon show of opposition to changes to paramedic pre-hospital medical care, dozens of paramedics from several communities are protesting at the Ontario Legislature tomorrow (Tuesday, December 12 at 10:00 a.m.) amendments to the Ambulance Act they believe will hurt patients needing emergency medical care. The government plans third and…


Ontario P3 program draws auditor’s fire – again

  Public-private partnerships (P3s) are once again drawing the criticism of Ontario’s auditor general, in her 2017 annual report. In 2014, Auditor General Bonnie Lysyk’s wide-ranging report exposed major problems with Infrastructure Ontario’s entire P3 privatization program, known in the province as Alternative Financing and Procurement (AFP). Her 2016 and 2017 reports continue to highlight…


Year-end message from Fred and Candace

Sisters & Brothers, Comrades & Friends, As 2017 draws to a close, let’s reflect on the significant victories that we’ve accomplished together this year. Thanks to the work of CUPE Ontario members, our partners in labour and our community allies, we were successful in getting the Ontario government to pass Bill 148 and legislate real…


Stop the wave of intimidation, employee firings, CUPE urges St. Mike’s; media conference with affected staff, Thursday

TORONTO, ON – Terminations of long-time employees without cause. Violations of basic employment standards using aggressive tactics to force staff to sign agreements to work excess hours and work eight and ten days in a row. All shocking behaviour associated with employers with tarnished reputations. But this is happening at Toronto’s prestigious St. Michael’s Hospital (St.…


New study reveals toxic environment of physical and sexual violence against staff in Ontario hospitals

Ottawa, ON – Sexual assaults, a life-altering concussion, shattered faces, fractured bones, lost teeth, bites and brain injury. These are just some of the injuries sustained at the hands of patients by Ontario health care staff who participated in a major new study ‘Assaulted and Unheard: Violence Against Healthcare Staff.’ Featured in ‘NEW SOLUTIONS: A…


New study reveals toxic environment of physical and sexual violence against staff in Ontario hospitals

Sudbury, ON – Sexual assaults, a life-altering concussion, shattered faces, fractured bones, lost teeth, bites and brain injury. These are just some of the injuries sustained at the hands of patients by Ontario health care staff who participated in a major new study ‘Assaulted and Unheard: Violence Against Healthcare Staff.’ Featured in ‘NEW SOLUTIONS: A…


CANCELLED: Tomorrow’s Media Conference in Cornwall is cancelled.

‘Assaulted and Unheard, Violence Against Healthcare Staff:’ major study released Tuesday in Cornwall Cornwall, ON – How violence affected Ontario hospital staff assaulted at work physically, psychologically, interpersonally and financially is the focus of a new study – ‘Assaulted and Unheard: Violence Against Healthcare Staff’ – being released Tuesday, December 5, 2017, 1:00 p.m., at…
