Town Hall conference call regarding Ebola Directives and Preparation, Monday, December 8th, 6:00pm

Note: This page contains outdated content and may not appear correctly.Please Click Here to find recent news, events and information from CUPE Ontario. Dear Sisters and Brothers: CACO will be conducting a Town Hall conference call regarding Ebola Directives and Preparation. When:                   Monday, December 8th, 2014 Time:                   1800 hrs to…


Vigils and Events in Ontario

Note: This page contains outdated content and may not appear correctly.Please Click Here to find recent news, events and information from CUPE Ontario.  City  Date  Organization  Location  Description  Contact  & Website         Ottawa November 25th -Dec 10th Women in International Security Canada Various locations …


Wanted: a fair deal for frontline workers to protect services at SPRINT Senior Care

Note: This page contains outdated content and may not appear correctly.Please Click Here to find recent news, events and information from CUPE Ontario. Personal support workers (PSWs), drivers, activationists, community social workers and other workers at SPRINT Senior Care are fighting for a collective agreement that respects the value of their work. They want to…


Social assistance in chaos as new computer system delivers misery for vulnerable Ontarians: survey

Note: This page contains outdated content and may not appear correctly.Please Click Here to find recent news, events and information from CUPE Ontario. TORONTO, Ont. – Vulnerable people on social assistance are the victims of the chaotic introduction of a new case management system for Ontario Works and the Ontario Disability Support Program, according to…


Enquête : l’aide sociale en plein chaos alors qu’un nouveau système informatique n’est que misère pour les Ontariens vulnérables

Note: This page contains outdated content and may not appear correctly.Please Click Here to find recent news, events and information from CUPE Ontario. TORONTO (Ontario) – Selon un flux de réponses à une enquête menée par le Syndicat canadien de la fonction publique (SCFP), les bénéficiaires vulnérables de l’aide sociale sont victimes de l’introduction chaotique…


Harry’s Last Stand December 4th

Note: This page contains outdated content and may not appear correctly.Please Click Here to find recent news, events and information from CUPE Ontario. Thursday, December 4th,  7:30 – 9:00 pm (doors open at 7pm) The 519 Church Street Community Centre 519 Church street at Wellesley • Cash bar.Harry’s Last Stand will be…
