For Earth Day, time to recognize a Climate Change Emergency

This Earth Day, we invite Local executives to sign on to the CUPE Climate Change Emergency Declaration. While the planet reels in response to the health emergency from COVID-19, we cannot lose sight of the environmental crisis. There is no vaccine for climate change. Global temperatures continue to go up, and we continue to experience an increasingly destabilized climate. CUPE recognizes…


Thanks to Doug Ford’s Progressive Conservatives, chaos and confusion reign in Ontario

“A clear comprehensive plan to fight this pandemic would force the Ford Progressive Conservatives to confront their ideological blind spots and reverse themselves on issues like paid sick leave, smaller classroom sizes, and appropriately-funded social services. Instead, they stubbornly continue to ignore any evidence that doesn’t fit with their worldview — and are choosing to…


Frontline community mental health and addictions workers stand up for improved services: workers to strike 12:01 a.m. April 23

Toronto, ON—Canadian Union of Public Employees (CUPE) members at CUPE Local 4891 are beginning job action in protest of chronic underfunding to community mental health and addictions services as the pandemic takes a heavy toll on frontline workers. “Ontarians experiencing mental health concerns or addictions are suffering because they don’t have the support they need…


‘These workers are terrified’: Labour groups call for vaccine priority for education support staff

CUPE Ontario’s leaders made the case that on-site staff across the province who have continued to show up for work through school closures and periods of online learning are at high risk of contracting COVID-19 on the job and deserve vaccine priority. “We’re here today to shine a light on the front-line workers whose work…


Frontline children’s aid workers in Windsor call for vaccine prioritization

Windsor, ON—Children’s aid society workers in Windsor, whose work requires daily in-person visits to multiple private homes, schools, and other congregated settings, call on Dr. Wajid Ahmed, Medical Officer of Health for the Windsor-Essex County Health Unit, to use his authority to authorize vaccine prioritization for frontline workers as has occurred in other regions of…


Day of Pink – CUPE Ontario Statement

Statement by CUPE Ontario’s Pink Triangle committee on the Day of Pink: Today is the Day of Pink – an international commemoration reminding us about the need for solidarity with LGBTQ2+ people. This year it’s a particularly important issue, as COVID-19 has disproportionately impacted equity-seeking seeking people, including the LGBTQ2+ community. For instance, recent research shows that…
