“Because care can’t wait”, CUPE encourages Ontario LTC minister to make good on four-hour care standard in new Act, funding for new RPN, PSW hiring

TORONTO, ON – There is cautious optimism from Ontario’s largest health care union – the Canadian Union of Public Employees (CUPE) Ontario – following a provincial government announcement today that promises money for long-term care homes to hire additional staff now and a four-hour care standard in a new revamped Long-Term Care Homes Act. “While…


85 per cent of direct COVID-19 measures came from the Federal government as Ford Conservatives evade responsibility: CUPE Ontario

TORONTO, ON – The Ford government has underspent and has passed the buck to the Federal government when it comes to measures in response to COVID-19, said the Canadian Union of Public Employees (CUPE) Ontario. “This week, Doug Ford launched his re-election bid with an advertising campaign billing him as a big spender, but yet…


“Out of touch with reality”: Wellesley Township Council backs anti-worker proposals and anti-vaxxer negotiator

WELLESLEY TOWNSHIP, ON – At a time when municipalities are striving for workforce stability and ways to lead by example, Wellesley Township Council is going in the other direction, says the president of Canadian Union of Public Employees Local 1542 (CUPE 1542). Council’s recent decisions to attack municipal workers’ rights in bargaining while spending money…


Toronto Parking Authority workers initiate countdown to legal job action; employer yet to respond to union’s latest proposals

Toronto, ON—Toronto Parking Authority workers are at the bargaining table and have been since day one, waiting for the employer to immediately come back to the table and negotiate a deal to avoid a labour disruption. The employer has had ample time to respond to the union’s reasonable proposals and unnecessary delays are putting the…

Image shows Candace Rennick speaking into a webcam during her CP24 interview.

Ontario makes vaccination against COVID-19 mandatory for long-term care staff and volunteers

“We have always taken the position that every member and worker that can be vaccinated should be vaccinated. But we also believe we cannot give up on these workers who showed up every day during the pandemic and worked their hearts out,” said Candace Rennick, Secretary-Treasurer of CUPE Ontario. Click here to watch the full…


“Ontarians Deserve Better”: CUPE Ontario responds to the Throne Speech

TORONTO, ON – The throne speech was little more than a rehash of the Ford Conservative’s well-worn talking points when what Ontario needs now is a real plan to keep people safe and ensure a recovery for all, said the Canadian Union of Public Employees (CUPE) Ontario. “Nothing in today’s Throne Speech was new and…


“Do not look away and always speak up”: CUPE Ontario’s message of solidarity to Indigenous women attacked on National Truth and Reconciliation Day

This National Day for Truth and Reconciliation was a powerful and momentous day, with so many from coast to coast to coast reflecting on the horrors of the residential school system, recognizing the ongoing colonialism on these lands, and recommitting to real and lasting reconciliation. But, underscoring the urgency of this work, CUPE Ontario’s 280,000…


CUPE 53 invites Whitby residents to free Thanksgiving Day picnic at Heydenshore Park on Sunday

WHITBY, ON – Whitby’s municipal employees’ union is organizing a Thanksgiving Day picnic at Heydenshore Park on Sunday, October 3 free of cost for all Whitby residents. The event will feature free food and activities for all age groups including ladder golf, hula hoops and colouring books. The union, CUPE Local 53, represents about 500…


Windsor municipal government should have declared National Day for Truth and Reconciliation a statutory holiday: Public Sector Unions

WINDSOR, ON – Public sector unions are decrying the lack of initiative by the City of Windsor’s municipal government in not recognizing the National Day for Truth and Reconciliation as a statutory holiday on September 30. Three Canadian Union of Public Employees (CUPE) Locals joined the Windsor Professional Fire Fighters Association (WPFFA) Local 455 in…


Contract negotiations for 70,000 Ontario hospital workers break down over hospitals’ refusal to seriously address health and safety issues, including pandemic protection and violence

TORONTO, ON – “We are deeply disappointed that Ontario’s hospitals will not seriously address the pressing health and safety needs of registered practical nurses, personal support workers, clerical, cleaners and other front-line hospital staff,” say the Canadian Union of Public Employees (CUPE) and SEIU Healthcare in announcing the break down of contract negotiations for 70,000…
