Les travailleurs municipaux d’Iroquois Falls font face à une grève ou lockout suite aux compressions proposées par le Conseil municipal

Note: This page contains outdated content and may not appear correctly.Please Click Here to find recent news, events and information from CUPE Ontario. IROQUOIS FALLS (Ontario) – Les membres de la Section locale 259 du Syndicat canadien de la fonction publique (SCFP), représentant trente-cinq travailleurs de bureau, des travaux publics, des services de purification de…


Municipal workers in the Town of Iroquois Falls face strike/lockout after Council threatens service cuts

Note: This page contains outdated content and may not appear correctly.Please Click Here to find recent news, events and information from CUPE Ontario. IROQUOIS FALLS, Ont. – The union representing thirty-five office, public works, water works and recreation staff at the Town of Iroquois Falls, members of Local 259 of the Canadian Union of Public…
