Township of Black River-Matheson rejects agreement to end 50-day lockout after union ratifies

Note: This page contains outdated content and may not appear correctly.Please Click Here to find recent news, events and information from CUPE Ontario. BLACK RIVER-MATHESON, ONTARIO – At an emergency council meeting Tuesday evening, the Township of Black River-Matheson voted against ending a lockout that has so far run 50 days, shocking its employees, who…


WTF – Links to other resources

Note: This page contains outdated content and may not appear correctly.Please Click Here to find recent news, events and information from CUPE Ontario. Right for Ontario? Analysis of ‘Program Prioritization by Ontario Council of University Faculty Association (OCUFA) researcher Craig Heron OCUFA’s analysis of Ontario’s ‘Differentiation Policy Framework’ Tier For Two: Analysis…


Update on the locked-out workers of Black River-Matheson – Parties near a tentative agreement but employees remain locked out over township’s conditions on “return to work”

Note: This page contains outdated content and may not appear correctly.Please Click Here to find recent news, events and information from CUPE Ontario. BLACK RIVER-MATHESON, Ont. – After two days spent in intense bargaining, negotiators for the employees of Black River-Matheson and the township reached what represented a tentative agreement late Thursday night, with the…


On September 30, university workers across Ontario will ask, ‘Where’s the Funding?’ (WTF)

Note: This page contains outdated content and may not appear correctly.Please Click Here to find recent news, events and information from CUPE Ontario. CUPE members on campuses across province will help launch innovative WTF campaign TORONTO, Ont. – This Tuesday, September 30, university workers across Ontario will ask the question: ‘Where’s the Funding?’ …
