CUPE workers rally to support staff at Windsor’s Regency Park Long-Term Care Home after staff receive layoff notices

Windsor, ON – On Friday, CUPE workers from across the province will rally at the Regency Park Long-Term Care home in solidarity with seven long-term care staff who received layoff notices from the for-profit home operated by Universal Care. The seven staff include two dietary aides, three personal support workers, one registered nurse, and one…


SEIU Healthcare, OCHU-CUPE, and Unifor sign 10-point Solidarity Pact to save public hospitals and fight privatization

Face à l’augmentation alarmante du nombre de postes vacants, aux fermetures sans précédent de salles d’urgence et aux milliers de patients qui meurent dans l’attente d’une intervention chirurgicale, trois grands syndicats représentant environ 70,000 travailleurs du secteur hospitalier de l’Ontario ont signé aujourd’hui à Queen’s Park un Pacte de solidarité pour sauver nos hôpitaux publics…


“No more spin. We will fight concessions.”: CUPE Local 53 Town of Whitby workers continue to demand that concessions be scrapped

Whitby, ON – After two days of bargaining the Town of Whitby continues to push for unnecessary and harmful concessions, says municipal workers represented by CUPE Local 53. “Yesterday, the Employer put out a media release saying that we rejected an offer that included wage increases and benefit improvements but that’s, at best, only half…


CUPE Local 3314 public health workers reach tentative agreement with Hastings Prince Edward Public Health

BELLEVILLE, ON—After 10 days on strike, frontline public health workers at Hastings Prince Edward Public Health have reached a tentative agreement with the board of health. The workers’ bargaining committee resumed negotiations with management on Monday afternoon following news that their nurse coworkers, members of Ontario Nurses’ Association (ONA) Local 31, ratified a collective agreement…


“We can avoid a strike or lockout with a good deal”: CUPE Local 53 Town of Whitby workers fight harmful concessions ahead of strike deadline

Whitby, ON – Town of Whitby municipal workers are trying to avert a looming strike or lockout by ramping up efforts to warn about harmful concessions, says CUPE Local 53. “Instead of giving us a good explanation for why the employer needs full control to make members work an indefinite number of temporary assignments and…


“We need to recruit and retain workers now”: CUPE Local 4911 calls on Peterborough Paramedic Service to come back with a better offer in bargaining

(Peterborough, ON) – What the Peterborough County/City Paramedics is proposing to paramedics in negotiations isn’t good enough and that’s why negotiations have broken down, says the union representing them, CUPE Local 4911. “Staffing at the Peterborough County/City Paramedics has become a real problem,” says Natalie Waters, President of the CUPE Local 4911. “There are many…


“Not good enough – we demand better”: CUPE Ontario statement on Doug Ford’s Greenbelt U-turn

The deep corruption that has characterized Ford’s PCs from Day 1 has caught up with them again; the provincial government’s downward spiral was on clear display as Doug Ford announced the reversal of the ill-fated Greenbelt selloff. But Premier Ford’s pronouncements in his news conference fall short of what’s really needed. If he is indeed…
