Goal is to preserve and enhance services for students, say education workers heading into bargaining

TORONTO, ON – As school boards across Ontario suffer deep and destructive cuts at the hands of the provincial government, the Canadian Union of Public Employees (CUPE), representing 55,000 education workers, is heading to the bargaining table. But as they give notice to bargain, they will also be giving notice to their counterparts in negotiations:…


Dozens of St. Mike’s hospital clerical staff laid off with 2 weeks’ notice; CUPE asks Premier Ford for an explanation and a solution

TORONTO, ON – Dozens of clerical staff at St. Mike’s, St. Joseph’s and Providence – Toronto’s most recent hospitals to undergo restructuring – have been laid off, many with two weeks’ notice, in contradiction to Premier Ford’s election promise that no one in the public sector would lose their jobs. The Canadian Union of Public…


First Responders Day

This year, on May 1st, CUPE Ontario and the CUPE Ambulance Committee of Ontario (CACO) are again recognizing First Responders Day. We would like to express our immense pride in the commitment and compassion paramedics and health care staff bring to saving lives every day in Ontario. Our support for you and our pride in…


Premier Ford said no one would lose their job; tell that to dozens of St. Mike’s clerical staff who just did

TORONTO, ON – Despite Premier Doug Ford’s repeated promise that, under his government, no public sector workers would lose their jobs, dozens of clerical staff at Toronto’s St. Michael’s Hospital have just been terminated. “It does beg questions about the collateral damage of the Ford PC health system restructuring on patient care and staffing levels.…


Ford government putting students at risk with $3 million in cuts to Lakehead and Thunder Bay school boards: CUPE

THUNDER BAY, ON – Last Friday’s announcement of the government’s cuts to education funding has left some education workers at Lakehead District School Board (LDSB) fearing the worst for the safety of students in the region’s schools. The government’s education funding for 2019-20 slashed a total $2.13 million from Lakehead District School Board’s budgets and…


Instructors join TCDSB trustees, students and parents at Queen’s Park in celebration of international languages

TORONTO, ON – Thirty international language instructors with the Toronto Catholic District School Board (TCDSB) will take part in a different kind of lesson on Thursday morning, May 2, as they begin the day at Queen’s Park in the company of students from TCDSB schools, teachers, parents and school board trustees. The group is marking…


In PC-held Ottawa, Renfrew, Pembroke, Glengarry ridings, 71% don’t support Ford government health system overhaul

OTTAWA, ON – 71% of the more than 1,500 residents polled in PC-held ridings in Ottawa, Glengarry, Renfrew and Pembroke say they don’t support the massive changes the PCs are planning to make to the province’s health system. Initially, these health system changes included merging the province’s 150 hospitals into 30-50 mega hospitals, privatizing services…


Day of Mourning

April 28 is the National Day of Mourning for workers killed or Injured on the Job. On this day, we take time to remember the workers we have lost. CUPE Ontario also uses the occasion to join with allies to fight for laws that improve and enhance worker health and safety across Ontario. Across Canada…
