“Solidarity with Port of Montreal longshore workers”: CUPE Ontario salutes the announcement of a truce

CUPE Ontario’s 280,000 members salute the announcement of a truce agreed to today between striking longshore workers at the Port of Montreal, members of CUPE Local 375, and the Maritime Employers Association (MEA). Both parties announced during a joint press conference that they believe they can come to a negotiated collective agreement during the truce…


Ontario government announces flawed, out-of-touch child welfare overhaul

Toronto, ON — CUPE Ontario is disappointed by the Ford Conservative’s announcement revealing a vague strategy to fundamentally redesign the child welfare system—without new funding in a chronically underfunded system, the plan is destined for failure. “Families and service providers are concerned—just last year Ford wanted to cut $28 million from Children’s Aid Societies. If…


More Canadian musicians adding their voice in support of the “CARE NOT PROFITS” advocacy campaign to reinvest profits back into Ontario’s long-term care system

Chantal Kreviazuk, The Sheepdogs, Basia Bulat, Born Ruffians, and Tokyo Police Club latest to support the growing campaign to reform Ontario’s long-term care system TORONTO — SEIU Healthcare, CUPE Ontario, and Unifor, unions that represent healthcare workers across the long-term care sector, are proud to welcome Chantal Kreviazuk, The Sheepdogs, Basia Bulat, Born Ruffians, and…


Ontario health care workers announce 22 political protests against the PC government’s removal of their basic workplace rights

TORONTO, ON—Ontario health care workers, angered that their workplace rights are being trampled on by the same government that called them heroes at the height of the COVID-19 pandemic, will escalate political protests throughout the summer and fall. Beginning August 17, 22 regional rallies are planned in communities across the province. The protests are in…
