World Aids Day Statement

December 1 marks World AIDS Day and the beginning of Aboriginal AIDS Awareness Week in Canada. Today we remember the millions of people who have died as a result of AIDS both in Canada and around the world. We recommit to action to end the stigma that is still a part of the challenges faced…

CUPE Ontario stands with Canada’s Postal Workers

CUPE Ontario’s 260,000 members stand strongly in solidarity with the Canada’s Postal Workers, who are on strike because their employer refuses to deal with crushing workloads, forced overtime and a massive spike in workplace injuries. One in 12 workers experienced a disabling workplace injury last year. Over the past two years their number of disabling…

Prisoners’ Justice Day

  On August 10, 1974, Eddie Nalon took his own life in the segregation unit of Millhaven Maximum Security Prison in Bath, Ontario – a victim of solitary confinement and neglect. August 10 would come to mark International Prisoners’ Justice Day, which prisoners chose to fast, pray, and refuse work in remembrance of Eddie and…

Carnival 2018

This year is the 51st anniversary of Carnival, which began in Toronto as a gift from the Caribbean community to Canada’s centennial celebrations in 1967. The festival originally took place on Simcoe Day, which marks the end of slavery in Canada on August 1, 1834. Carnival is not only a celebration of Caribbean culture, it also…