Over 40 Ontario unions take next steps in lawsuit against Ford government’s wage restraint legislation

Toronto, ON – A Coalition of over 40 Ontario unions has formally filed evidence in a lawsuit to repeal legislation which severely limits wage and benefit increases for public sector workers, a move the Coalition says violates bargaining rights enshrined in the Charter of Rights and Freedoms. “We have always believed that the Ford government’s…

Holocaust Remembrance Day 2021

On Holocaust Remembrance Day we remember the 10 million people, including 6 million Jews – victims of an unimaginable atrocity we will never forget. We resolve to root out modern anti-Semitism and fascism in all its forms. And we renew our pledge to weave anti-racism into all the work we do as a union. This…

CUPE Ontario sends message of solidarity to Indian farmers

Following the largest protest in human history, demonstrations have continued across India for nearly 50 days, with solidarity actions around the world. CUPE Ontario is proud to build on the solidarity statements of our National Union and to pledge our active support for the hundreds of thousands of Indian farmers impacted by devastating changes to agriculture laws. Passed by…

Year-end Message from Fred and Candace

It’s been a year like no other. We’ve lost more than 1.5 million people worldwide to COVID-19, and over 4,000 people in Ontario alone. We’re seeing an average of 2,000 new cases every single day in the province, putting an incredible strain on our health care system. So many people in our communities have lost their…

Human Rights Day 2020

On December 10, 1948, the United Nations General Assembly adopted the Universal Declaration of Human Rights. The rights enshrined therein—among them equality before the law and equal access to public services—were deemed to be held in common by all human beings. The already longstanding global struggle to defend those rights is confronted by new challenges…