CUPE 5167’s statement on Dundas Tim Hortons rolling back workers’ benefits and paid-breaks

Hamilton, Ont. – CUPE 5167, representing workers in the Hamilton region, is issuing the following statement in response to reports of a local Tim Hortons franchise in Dundas rolling back worker’s benefits and paid breaks, following the introduction of the province’s new minimum wage laws. “As one of Hamilton’s largest unions, representing 4,300 workers in…

Ontario P3 program draws auditor’s fire – again

  Public-private partnerships (P3s) are once again drawing the criticism of Ontario’s auditor general, in her 2017 annual report. In 2014, Auditor General Bonnie Lysyk’s wide-ranging report exposed major problems with Infrastructure Ontario’s entire P3 privatization program, known in the province as Alternative Financing and Procurement (AFP). Her 2016 and 2017 reports continue to highlight…

Year-end message from Fred and Candace

Sisters & Brothers, Comrades & Friends, As 2017 draws to a close, let’s reflect on the significant victories that we’ve accomplished together this year. Thanks to the work of CUPE Ontario members, our partners in labour and our community allies, we were successful in getting the Ontario government to pass Bill 148 and legislate real…

World Aids Day Statement

The beginning of December marks many points to commemorate human rights and equality struggles around the world and December 1st begins the month with World AIDS Day. This important international day is a time to recognize the continued resilience and resistance of activists around HIV / AIDS globally and the amazing advances made in prevention…

Celebrating the accomplishments of the Trans community and remembering those we’ve lost

Monday, November 20th, we mark the Transgender Day of Remembrance by celebrating how far we’ve come in the fight for trans rights. While transgender people still face significant discrimination, we are also witnessing unprecedented signs of acceptance. Just weeks ago, the small catholic town of Très-Saint-Redempteur in Quebec elected Julie Lemieux as Canada’s first openly…