Free CUPE member Cihan Erdal!

CUPE 4600 member, Cihan Erdal was arrested on September 25th by Turkish police on unspecified charges related to social unrest in 2014. Erdal is one of 82 people issued arrest warrants in relation to alleged incitement of protests in 2014 which were violently repressed by Turkish police. These arrests are part of a broader effort…

“When communities stand together and demand change anything is possible”: CUPE Ontario’s Labour Day Statement

Normally we’d be spending Labour Day at events with hundreds of union activists, allies, and community members. There would be hugs, smiling faces, and group pictures. We’d celebrate our victories and look ahead to building our solidarity for the challenges ahead. But this year is different. Our Labour Day events are digital. Our group photos are physically distanced ones. And building…

“Solidarity with Port of Montreal longshore workers”: CUPE Ontario salutes the announcement of a truce

CUPE Ontario’s 280,000 members salute the announcement of a truce agreed to today between striking longshore workers at the Port of Montreal, members of CUPE Local 375, and the Maritime Employers Association (MEA). Both parties announced during a joint press conference that they believe they can come to a negotiated collective agreement during the truce…

Hundreds of thousands of front-line heroes left behind as more of the province enters Stage 3: CUPE Ontario

(TORONTO, ON) With the Provincial state of emergency ended, and nearly all of Ontario entering Stage 3 of reopening, front-line workers are still subject to unnecessarily prolonged emergency orders with the recent passage of Bill 195, according to the Canadian Union of Public Employees (CUPE) Ontario. As of this Friday, residents in Toronto and Peel…

Ford Conservatives’ all-out attack on Ontarians: CUPE Ontario commits to fighting three new laws

(TORONTO, ON) The Canadian Union of Public Employees (CUPE) Ontario is calling the passing of three pieces of legislation yesterday by the Ford Conservatives an all-out attack on Ontarians that they will oppose. The province passed Bill 195, which extends emergency orders despite the legislation itself declaring the end of the state of emergency. According…

“Front-line workers in the public and the private sector deserve a permanent pay increase:” CUPE Ontario stands in solidarity with UFCW 175 & 633

Our communities are getting through this crisis, and will thrive on the other side, because of the efforts of front-line workers. These are the workers in our long-term care facilities caring for the elderly; in group homes caring for people with disabilities and providing a range of supports for the most vulnerable; in our towns and cities, providing…

“Front-line workers deserve a permanent pay increase”: CUPE Ontario says reopening is time for a new normal

(TORONTO, ON) With Toronto and Peel joining nearly all of Ontario in entering Stage 2 of reopening, the Canadian Union of Public Employees (CUPE) Ontario calls for a new normal with a permanent front-line pay increase. Until August 16, almost 400,000 front-line workers in Ontario will receive a $4/hour pandemic pay increase as an acknowledgement…