Year-end Message from Fred and Candace

It’s been a year like no other. We’ve lost more than 1.5 million people worldwide to COVID-19, and over 4,000 people in Ontario alone. We’re seeing an average of 2,000 new cases every single day in the province, putting an incredible strain on our health care system. So many people in our communities have lost their…

Human Rights Day 2020

On December 10, 1948, the United Nations General Assembly adopted the Universal Declaration of Human Rights. The rights enshrined therein—among them equality before the law and equal access to public services—were deemed to be held in common by all human beings. The already longstanding global struggle to defend those rights is confronted by new challenges…

“When we mourn together, we are not alone”: CUPE Ontario’s statement on Transgender Remembrance Day

On November 20, CUPE Ontario’s 280,000 members join our communities in observing Transgender Remembrance Day and in celebrating our collective victories while recommitting to addressing the many challenges that still exist. The challenges are long-standing and speak to virulent transphobia which has taken root everywhere, even in otherwise progressive and inclusive institutions and communities. Today, we’re seeing…

“Solidarity and Respect”: CUPE Ontario stands in Support of Alberta Health Care Workers

On Monday, October 26, thousands of health care workers, members of the Alberta Union of Provincial Employees (AUPE) went on a wildcat strike in Edmonton, Calgary, and other municipalities in the province. They were proudly joined in solidarity by workers from many other unions in that province, including members of CUPE Alberta from health care, social services, municipalities,…

“It’s time to root out the seeds of hate”: CUPE Ontario’s statement on the threats against a Toronto mosque

CUPE Ontario’s 280,000 members join Muslim communities and allies in expressing outrage over the news that a Toronto mosque was the victim of despicable threats of violence. No one should have to be subjected to the kind of cowardly vitriol these worshippers experienced – least of all Muslims, members of a community that has long faced both systemic and explicitly violent forms…

CFS Hamilton workers vote to join CUPE

HAMILTON, ON – Workers at Catholic Family Services (CFS) Hamilton today voted strongly in favour of joining the Canadian Union of Public Employees (CUPE). The roughly 75 employees include social workers, early childhood educators, counsellors, support workers, cooks, housekeepers, and office, clerical, and maintenance staff. “Workers at CFS Hamilton provide vital services for very vulnerable…

“We must oppose colonial violence in our communities”: CUPE Ontario sends message of support to Indigenous Land Defenders at 1492 Land Back Lane

CUPE Ontario sends its solidarity to Indigenous Land Defenders at 1492 Land Back Lane from Six Nations who are reclaiming land along the Haldimand Tract, south of Caledonia. Six Nations was given the land after their alliance with the British during the American Revolution, but the land was sold to developers, McKenzie Meadows, where they…