CUPE 2936 members vote to reject tentative agreement as offer would do little to reverse staffing crisis

OSHAWA, ON – After nearly two years of bargaining, CUPE 2936.02 and 2936.03 members – all developmental service workers at Community Living Oshawa Clarington (CLOC) – voted to reject a tentative agreement. Members entered negotiations focused on improving wages in line with other Community Living agencies; ending the practice of contracting out which sees outside…

1,200 hospital department closures, untold patient suffering: unions call on Doug Ford to enter hospital negotiations and address ongoing crisis

OCHU/CUPE, SEIU Healthcare and Unifor say the government must prevent further closures by entering hospital negotiations to invest in frontline staff. Toronto, Ontario – In response to yesterday’s damning report by the Auditor General and a new report by the Ontario Health Coalition revealing nearly 1,200 Emergency Room and other hospital department shutdowns in 2023,…

CUPE Ontario salutes Cancel the Cuts campaigners and their victory for pension fairness

TORONTO – CUPE Ontario is marking the end of 2023 with a shout-out to the determined CUPE members who belong to the OMERS (Ontario Municipal Employees Retirement System) pension plan: this year, these members ran a successful campaign, Cancel the Cuts, and their activism has ensured that no reductions will be made to their OMERS…

National Day of Remembrance and Action to End Violence Against Women – CUPE Ontario statement

Today CUPE Ontario marks December 6, the National Day of Remembrance and Action to End Violence against Women. We recall that terrible evening in 1989, when 14 women were murdered at École Polytechnique de Montréal; they were targets of misogyny, hatred, and violence. In their memory, we reaffirm our commitment to ending gender-based violence wherever…

Labour and community allies to set out key principles for the dissolution of Peel

BRAMPTON – In response to the provincially mandated dissolution of Peel, representatives from labour and local non-profits are setting out their key principles for protecting and improving services for residents in post-dissolution Brampton, Mississauga and Caledon. At a news conference on Thursday, speakers will include representatives from the Metamorphosis Network, which represents over 100 non-profit…

Developmental service workers vow to keep fighting for programs and a fair contract as day programs close

Guelph, ON – After a two-month-long fight by families, workers, and allies, Community Living Guelph Wellington’s day program and EmployMEnt Options have closed not with a bang, but with a whimper. CLGW’s September announcement that they were facing a $3 million deficit led many to hope for a last-minute government intervention. Local MPPs met with…

Windsor-Essex County Health Unit urges provincial safeguarding of public health services amidst layoffs and funding challenges

Windsor, ON – In the face of imminent layoffs CUPE 543, which represents close to 130 workers with the Windsor-Essex County Health Unit, is urging for immediate action to safeguard public health services amidst diminishing provincial funding. ­ The Health Unit recently experienced a substantial reduction in its workforce, resulting in the elimination of 14…