A year-end message to CUPE Ontario members

A year-end message to CUPE Ontario members As 2024 draws to a close and we prepare to welcome the festive season, we extend our heartfelt gratitude and best wishes to all CUPE Ontario members. Thanks to your unwavering solidarity, commitment and resilience, we have navigated the challenges of the past year and celebrated many triumphs…

Strong strike votes signal possible labour disruptions at Queen’s University in the new year

KINGSTON, ON – Members of three union locals representing more than 1000 workers at Queen’s University delivered overwhelming majorities in strike votes held this week. “Queen’s has been neglecting its workforce, its students and its facilities,” said Steve Senechal, a millwright and president of CUPE Local 229. “On campus, many workers don’t earn a living…

Peel Transition Act: “A solution no one wants from a government that won’t deliver what we need”

PEEL REGION – CUPE Ontario has criticized the Ford Conservatives for interfering in municipalities’ business through the recently introduced Peel Transition Implementation Act. The bill downloads some services currently handled by Peel Region to the municipalities of Mississauga, Brampton and Caledon, while doing nothing – still – to meet residents’ housing and other needs. “Premier…

Ford Conservatives prefer to victimize the vulnerable and punish the poor rather than provide real solutions: CUPE Ontario

TORONTO – Instead of providing vulnerable people with housing, social supports, street outreach, and mental health services, an uncaring Premier Ford will hide behind a handful of Ontario mayors to violate individuals’ human and constitutional rights and disproportionately target already marginalized people, say leaders from the province’s largest union. “We’ve got Ford, a multimillionaire, and…