CUPE Ontario’s Health & Safety Committee works to promote a healthy and safe work environment for all members in the province. We focus on campaigns for better health and safety legislation, and support locals working to improve health and safety provisions in their collective agreements. We also support education efforts designed to ensure CUPE members are able to defend their rights to healthy and safe workplaces.
The volunteer Health & Safety Committee includes one member from the CUPE Ontario Executive Board, one member elected from each sector, and two members at large from any sector who are elected at the Health & Safety Conference every even-year.
Social Media Logo

- Health & Safety Recommendations Toolkit
- A joint statement from CUPE Ontario’s Climate Justice and Health and Safety committees
- Connecting Work and Mental Health_OHSForum
- Mental Health Awareness Handbook
- Internal CUPE Local Occupational Health and Safety Evaluation
- OHSA Compliance Checklist for Locals in the Health Care, Developmental Services, Community Living and Long-term Care sectors
- OHSA Compliance Checklist for Locals in the Municipal, School Board and Post-Secondary sectors
2024 Health and Safety Conference
2023 Health and Safety Conference
- Andréane Chénier Connecting Work and Mental Health
- Chris Grawey – WSIAT Workflow
- Chris Grawey – WSIB & WSIAT Updates for CUPE Conference
- Justin Holloway – CUPE H&SIW Conference 2023
- Natasha Luckhardt – A Matter of Time and Stories
- Paul Sylvestre -Thrive not Survive – Stronger JHSCs
- Tom Parkin – Abacus Survey
- Troy Winters-What is a psychologically safe workplace
- Daniel Tarade – Climate Justice Presentation
2021 Virtual Conference: Sector Reports
- Click here for COVID-19 information & updates.
- COVID-19 Vaccines FAQ
- COVID-19 resources for the Black community.
- Preventing exposure to COVID-19 Post-Secondary Education Sector
- WSIB Benefits and COVID-19
- Mental Health Services
- Guide: COVID-19 Home and Community Care Providers and Social Services
- Guide: COVID-19 and the right to refuse unsafe work
- Procedure for refusing work that endangers health and safety
- COVID-19: Protecting the Health and Safety of Workers in the Municipal Sector
- Help for individuals facing domestic/intimate partner violence
- PPE Use and Care
- COVID-19 & Use of Masks and Respirators
- COVID-19 & Public Health Units
- COVID-19 Fact Sheet
- COVID-19 Quarantine Information: A Guide for Members in Ontario
- Webinar for Hospitals and Municipal Health i.e. Public Health/Paramedics
- Webinar for Social Services; Developmental Services; Community Living; Homes; Shelters; Child Care; CAS; Assisted and Co-Living
- Webinar for Long Term Care and Retirement Homes
- Webinar for Municipal/Libraries; Inside/Outside Workers
- Webinar for School Boards and Universities
Every year, on the last day of February, the occupational health and safety community comes together to raise awareness of Repetitive Strain Injuries, also called musculoskeletal disorders (MSDs). In Ontario, RSIs account for about 50% of all lost-time days and 40% of all lost-time claims approved by the Workplace Safety and Insurance Board. Unfortunately, far too many RSIs are not recognized or reported as workplace injuries. Many workers are unfamiliar with RSIs, so everyday aches and pains are overlooked, and no connection is made between the injury and the workplace.
Click here to access important information on what RSIs are, workshops and webinars available on combatting RSIs, and how to get involved this RSI Day!
Latest News
The Health & Safety Award nominations are now open!
Closing date for nominations is April 30, 2025. Click here to access the Health & Safety Award nomination form.
Recent News
Members in Action – Health and Safety Committee:
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