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WTF? Where’s the Funding?

Welcome to WTF—the site that asks the same question you’re asking… Where’s The Funding for Ontario’s Universities? Where’s the Transparency? Every year, Ontario’s Universities receive hundreds of millions of dollars in public funds, but aren’t required to disclose how or where those dollars are spent!   Where’s the Priorities? While class sizes continue to grow,…

Stand up for Fairness

Stand Up for Fairness Parental Leave We have a lot to thank unions for including Parental Leave.  Unions helped to create a better work life/family life balance by winning the right for parents to take paid time off to raise children. Now, all workers who are pregnant, have recently given birth, are adopting a child,…

SAMS isn’t working

How do you fix a lemon? The results of the latest SAMS survey (April 2016) spoke loud and clear: 97% of you reported that SAMS’ design means you have less time for face-to-face case-planning with clients; 96.7% believe that SAMS has had a negative impact on clients; and 80% don’t think that operating with SAMS…