CUPE vows to fight Liberal plan to privatize Hydro One: Public will pay with lost control, rising rates

Toronto, ON. – CUPE Ontario is mounting a massive campaign to stop Premier Kathleen Wynne’s plans to privatize Hydro One, CUPE Ontario President Fred Hahn announced today.   “The Hydro One selloff is a short-sighted plan by the Liberal government that will mean higher electricity bills and a loss of billions in long-term revenue that…

Keep Hydro Public

In the News View all news #KeepHydroPublic Tweets Rally for Our Day in Court Ontario Municipalities Fight to Keep Hydro Public CUPE files suit against Premier and Ministers of Finance and Energy to stop sale of Hydro One Keep Hydro Public Convention 2015 Youth Camp PSA Take Action Ask CUPE Ontario members to get involved…

Thumbnail of bicycles in front of a school

Fighting school closures

Fighting school closures Across the province, communities face pressure from the provincial government to close schools, despite mounting evidence that to do so is a mistake. It’s time to put the brakes on school closures. Recent News View all media Why are schools central to our communities? Schools are the heart of our communities. Closing…

Child Care in Ontario

The changing child care landscape in Ontario The Ontario child care sector has been facing some dramatic changes including a new funding formula that could affect child care wage grants, new legislation, the introduction of full-day kindergarten, a wage enhancement for Early Childhood Educators (ECEs) and closures of several municipal child care centres. This is…