Please Click Here to find recent news, events and information from CUPE Ontario.

In recent months major cuts to funding and services have occurred in our community. These cuts have resulted in the closure of the Urban Affairs library, a system-wide cut to funding, decreased services for Toronto Transit and other cuts which degrade the quality of our community services.
Smaller community centres are being hit hard by the decrease in funding, and with further cuts and closures looming, members of the Toronto community are very concerned about the future of our city.
You can find more information here about these cuts, closures and decreases in services. Want to do something about them? Find out how you can help, and attend the April 9th rally in Toronto.
Closure of the Urban Affairs Library
Stop the closure of the Urban Affairs Library!
Toronto Housing Community Corporation – Unjustified dismissal of an entire board
CUPE Local 79 calls for TCHC to be brought under direct City of Toronto management
Bill 150 – Removing fundamental labour rights from workers
Visit the main CUPE Ontario Bill 150 page for more information
Putting public interest before ideology “better way” for TTC, says CUPE Ontario President
City scuttles no strike’ pledge at TTC: what does Rob Ford really want?
Contracting out of Toronto public garbage collection – Worse for your community
CUPE 416 calls emergency membership meeting and hundreds heed the call