Government taking away your right to choose which union you belong to

[soundcloud url=”″ params=”color=ff5500&auto_play=false&hide_related=false&show_comments=true&show_user=true&show_reposts=false” width=”100%” height=”166″ iframe=”true” /] CUPE, OPSEU and ONA are fighting changes to the Public Sector Labour Relations Transition Act (PSLRTA) which would, in circumstances where one union had 60 percent or more of members, take away the right of public sector workers to vote to choose which union to belong to.


Peterborough’s municipal and library workers take their concerns directly to Peterborough decision makers and residents

PETERBOROUGH, ON – Baffled by the city’s cavalier attitude toward the valued public services they deliver, Peterborough’s municipal and library workers met Tuesday night to agree to a plan that will protect services for the city’s residents and ensure fairness to the people who deliver them. The workers provide a wide range of services in…


With deadline looming, Warden Woods needs to ‘get serious’ about negotiating a fair contract

TORONTO, ON – With a strike deadline of December 13 rapidly approaching, the union representing workers at Warden Woods Community Centre urged management to ‘get serious’ about negotiating a fair collective agreement. “For more than a year, our members have been trying to negotiate a fair first contract with Warden Woods, but I am extremely concerned…


Ontario encouraged to follow federal Liberal’s lead and move away from P3 infrastructure

TORONTO, Ont. — Ontario’s provincial Liberals should reassess their commitment to public, private, partnership (P3) infrastructure construction, now that the new federal Liberal government has signalled a move away from funding P3 projects, says Michael Hurley the president of the Ontario Council of Hospital Unions (OCHU). The indicator that the federal government will no longer…
