A letter to the Minister of Labour about the Workforce Recovery Advisory Committee

July 8, 2021 Sent Via Email Hon. Monte McNaughton Ministry of Labour, Training and Skills Development 14th Floor, 900 University Avenue Toronto, ON M7A 1T7 Dear Minister McNaughton, I am writing in response to your announcement that the Ontario Ministry of Labour will undertake an Ontario Workforce Recovery Advisory Committee. The Committee is tasked with…

University Health Network cannot continue to exploit women and racialized workers, say Toronto labour council, black trade unionists

TORONTO, ON – What seems like a deliberate workforce policy of exploiting racialized women as cheap labour by the University Health Network (UHN) is being roundly criticized by many Toronto/GTA labour and community groups advocating for economic justice for new immigrants. UHN is avoiding the direct employment of patient rehabilitation care staff at its Hillcrest…

Education workers at York University challenge racism and stress pandemic safety with strike mandate

Toronto, ON — Education workers at York University have voted in favour of a strike mandate in response to the institution’s unwillingness to address racism and safety at the bargaining table. The education workers comprising contract faculty, teaching assistants and graduate assistants are represented by the Canadian Union of Public Employees Local 3903. CUPE 3903…

“A testament to the contributions of front-line workers, but there’s still more to do”: CUPE Ontario calls for more action to ensure safety in Step 3

TORONTO, ON – Entering Step 3 early is a testament to the contributions of front-line workers but the Ford Conservatives are still failing to ensure safety and a recovery for all, says the Canadian Union of Public Employees (CUPE) Ontario. “Front-line workers kept us as safe as possible during this pandemic, with members of CUPE…

“Draw on the skill, expertise, and passion of front-line workers”: CUPE Ontario condemns Workforce Recovery Advisory Committee for excluding workers and their unions

TORONTO, ON – Ontario’s Ministry of Labour is leaving front-line workers out of the new Workforce Recovery Advisory Committee and it must immediately stop its work until it’s fully inclusive, says the Canadian Union of Public Employees (CUPE) Ontario in a written letter to Minister Monte McNaughton. “The committee is comprised solely of business owners,…

“A Day of Action for the Day of Mourning”: It’s time to redouble our efforts to protect workers

Every year, on April 28, we pause to mourn and recognize workers who have been injured and killed on the job. And while we remember we also understand the fundamental importance of the political work of fighting for the living by redoubling our efforts to demand real safety for workers and the communities that rely…

Bleak day as first wave of terminations crashes over Laurentian University and Northern Ontario

As Laurentian University announced a first wave of massive terminations and program cuts today, CUPE Ontario President Fred Hahn and leaders representing University workers today warned it will take years to repair the damage that will be inflicted across Northern Ontario. “Today’s announcement represents a bleak day for Northern Ontario,” said CUPE Ontario President Fred…

For a University sector in crisis, Ford Conservatives’ 2021 budget a ‘shocking dereliction of responsibility’ says CUPE Ontario’s University Workers’ Chair

TORONTO, ON – The Provincial budget tabled yesterday by Finance Minister Peter Bethlenfalvy represents a ‘shocking dereliction of responsibility’ to Ontario’s university sector by the Ford Conservative government, according to David Simao, Chair of the Ontario University Workers’ Coordinating Committee (OUWCC) which speaks on behalf of more than 30,000 university workers represented by CUPE across…

Ford Government Minister’s funding announcement for colleges and universities ‘woefully inadequate and not up to task—just like Ford Government: CUPE Ontario

TORONTO, ON – CUPE Ontario today called an abrupt funding announcement late last week by Provincial Minister of Training, Colleges and Universities Minister Ross Romano a real-time example of just how ill-equipped the Ford Conservatives are to respond to the challenges facing Ontario’s post-secondary education sector. “Minister Romano’s announcement Friday was textbook Ford Government,” said…

CUPE 3902

Now in legal strike position, CUPE 3902-1 pledges to continue negotiations, urges campus and community to show support and solidarity this Wednesday

Toronto, ON—CUPE 3902, the Union representing nearly 11,500 academic workers at the University of Toronto, called on all members of the campus community today to show their support for the members of Unit 1 at a socially-distanced, COVID-19-safe solidarity event taking place this Wednesday, March 24 from 1 to 3 p.m. Unit 1 consists of…