Premier Designate Ford’s hiring freeze demonstrates a lack of understanding of the scope of government services: CUPE Ontario

TORONTO, ON – Today’s announcement of a unilateral hiring freeze across all government services demonstrates Premier Designate Doug Ford’s lack of understanding of the overall scope of services the Ontario government provides, says CUPE Ontario President Fred Hahn. “Ford has not even been sworn in as Premier and he has made this sweeping decision without…

Time for government to truthfully address their revenue problems to fix long-term care and other public services, Hahn tells finance committee.

WINDSOR, ON – “It’s time we had an honest conversation about what’s not working in this province and what it’s going to cost to fix it,” said CUPE Ontario president Fred Hahn speaking to the provincial finance committee that is in Windsor today for pre-budget hearings. “We’re seeing the impact of years of government underfunding…