Violence. Not part of our job.

SWEARING • SHOVING • SPITTING • HITTING • BITING • KICKING • SLAPPING • PUNCHING • GRABBINGVIOLENCE. No one should have to face violence at work, yet everyday this is a reality for CUPE members working in schools, hospitals, social services and many other public services across Ontario. Work place violence is on the rise,…

CUPE Ontario marks Injured Workers Day by calling on the government to take action against increasing violence in the workplace.

Every year on June 1st, we recognize workers who have been injured or made sick on the job and raise our voices for safer workplaces and better treatment of all workers.   Everyone deserves a safe and harassment-free workplace, and if a person is injured at work, they deserve a public system of support and…

FAO confirms balancing budget with one time sale of Hydro One will worsen Ontario’s long-term outlook

TORONTO, ON – The new economic report released today from the Financial Accountability Office of Ontario (FAO) confirms what we have been saying for years now – the Ontario Liberal government acted irresponsibly when it sold off shares in Hydro One to balance their pre-election budget, says CUPE Ontario President Fred Hahn. “Premier Wynne’s decision…