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Latest Update: October. 13th, 2011
Haiti – Beyond the Headlines event in Toronto.
Click Here for more information
CUPE Ontario stands in solidarity with the people of Haiti during the crisis caused by the massive earthquake on January 12, 2010, the aftershocks since, and the devastation caused by prioritizing security over aid.
The people of Haiti are enduring unimaginable suffering and we call on the Governments of Ontario and Canada to offer all emergency and medical aid possible.
Further, CUPE Ontario calls on all levels of government to stop any military blockades that are preventing aid from reaching people and to prevent further militarization in Haiti. Haitians must be allowed to rebuild their country to be a robust democracy wherein the people control its land, its resources and its destiny. Public control of infrastructure and services by Haitians must be a fundamental aspect of any rebuilding.
Please select a link on the right to learn more about Haiti’s Struggle and how you can help.
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Select a Link to Find Out More:
Haiti – Beyond the Headlines
Human Rights Abuses in Haiti
Learn About the Situation in Haiti
Haitian Labour Leader Speaking Tour
Links to Partner Organizations