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How You Can Help
We must rebuild Haiti. But it must be done in a way that meets the needs of workers and the common people. Strong and effective public services are vital for Haiti’s future. Our unions have been fighting for this for years and resisting the privatization of our national assets. Dukens Raphael
CUPE’s commitment to Haiti:
CUPE Ontario is committed to working with concerned CUPE members in Ontario. To begin with, CUPE National has made a donation of $100,000 toward relief efforts. Ongoing worker-to-worker solidarity between union activists in Haiti continues through the work of the National union’s Global Justice Committee and staff, as well as with CUPE Ontario’s own International Solidarity Committee in Ontario. Please contact the CUPE Ontario International Solidarity Committee if you would like to get more involved in their work. You can send an e-mail to [email protected] or visit our website at
What local unions and members can do to support Hatian rebuilding:
CUPE Ontario is encouraging CUPE Locals in Ontario to consider making donations to smaller scale progressive organizations such as Partners in Health (Zanmi Lasante); a Non-Governmental Organization (NGO) with over 20 years on the ground in Haiti:
Or support Doctors Without Borders Canada in their Haiti relief. Doctors Without Borders operates clinics in Port-au-Prince and the surrounding neighbourhoods:
The Haiti Emergency Relief Fund is a US-based NGO that is doing important work in the areas of defending trade union organizers and other progressive causes and is worthy of support:
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