First Responders Day

This year, on May 1st, CUPE Ontario and the CUPE Ambulance Committee of Ontario (CACO) are again recognizing First Responders Day. We would like to express our immense pride in the commitment and compassion paramedics and health care staff bring to saving lives every day in Ontario. Our support for you and our pride in…

Premier Ford said no one would lose their job; tell that to dozens of St. Mike’s clerical staff who just did

TORONTO, ON – Despite Premier Doug Ford’s repeated promise that, under his government, no public sector workers would lose their jobs, dozens of clerical staff at Toronto’s St. Michael’s Hospital have just been terminated. “It does beg questions about the collateral damage of the Ford PC health system restructuring on patient care and staffing levels.…

Ford government putting students at risk with $3 million in cuts to Lakehead and Thunder Bay school boards: CUPE

THUNDER BAY, ON – Last Friday’s announcement of the government’s cuts to education funding has left some education workers at Lakehead District School Board (LDSB) fearing the worst for the safety of students in the region’s schools. The government’s education funding for 2019-20 slashed a total $2.13 million from Lakehead District School Board’s budgets and…