We are support service attendants for the March of Dimes in Whitby and Oshawa, Ontario. We are also members of the Canadian Union of Public Employees (CUPE) Local 4812. We don’t just provide care to people living with disabilities, we provide friendship and emotional support to the consumers of the March of Dimes Independent Living Program to help them live rich, independent lives in their own homes.

We are proud of the work that we do. Unfortunately, it is becoming more difficult to provide the level of care that consumers of the March of Dimes Independent Living Program deserve. We are being asked to work longer hours, we are constantly short staffed, we are asked to perform many difficult tasks and are not afforded an appropriate amount of time with each of our clients because of increasing workloads.

We face many challenges, including burnout, stress and injury. It is taking its toll on us, and it is unfair to the residents of the March of Dimes Independent Living. Meanwhile, our employer is attempting to negotiate a contract that will see further reductions to our working conditions

How you can help

We are asking the March of Dimes to support us in the work that we do by negotiating a fair contract that respects the residents of March of Dimes Independent Living and the support workers who empower them to live independent lives. Help us by sending a message to the March of Dimes to ask them to negotiate a fair contract of support service attendants.

Dear Chris Harrison,

I am writing to you today to ask that you recognize the hard work that the support service attendants of The March of Dimes Independent Living Program do every day. Their work is difficult. It is physically and psychologically demanding, it requires patience, care, sympathy and skill.

It is necessary work for our communities and it makes a difference in the lives of thousands of people across Ontario. I am asking that you show these workers and the people they support respect for everything they do, by negotiating a fair contract.


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