Child with hearing aids attending ASL
Protect services for Deaf and Hard of Hearing

Workers at the Canadian Hearing Services provide services that are vital for the deaf and hard of hearing community, including interpretation and services related to employment and education. The Deaf community relies on their services every day for doctor’s appointments, in hospitals and courts, in schools and elsewhere.

The workers are already facing wage restraint because of the Ford government’s Bill 124, which will restrain them to just a 1% raise per year, despite inflation running above 7%. This is because CHS is primarily funded by the province.

But management doesn’t recognize the sacrifices these workers are already making to keep services available. Management is demanding a long list of concessions that will gut job security and eliminate retraining for Deaf workers in the case of layoffs.

To add salt to the wound, they’re demanding workers settle for less even when the agency’s CEO is getting eye-watering raises above 13% a year. In fact, her compensation has increased by 155% since 2015 while front-line worker face wage restraint and demands for concessions.

To protect the vital services provided by Canadian Hearing Services workers, we are calling on Minister Fullerton, Minister Jones and the provincial government to ensure a fair deal for CHS workers and investigate executive compensation and expenses at CHS.

Have your voice heard. Act NOW to send a message and say YES to a fair deal for workers at the Canadian Hearing Society.

Dear Ministers Fullerton and Jones,

Workers at Canadian Hearing Services provide services that are vital for the deaf and hard of hearing community, including interpretation and services related to employment and education. The Deaf and Hard of Hearing community relies on their services every day for doctor’s appointments, in hospitals and courts, in schools and elsewhere.

CHS is primarily funded by your ministries.

The workers are already struggling because of Bill 124, which will restrain them to just a 1% raise per year, despite a sharply increasing cost of living.

But management doesn’t recognize the sacrifices these workers are already making to keep services available. Management is demanding a long list of concessions that will gut job security and eliminate retraining for Deaf workers in the case of layoffs.

To add salt to the wound, they’re demanding workers settle for less even when the agency’s CEO is getting eye-watering raises above 13% a year. In fact, her compensation has increased by 155% since 2015 while front-line worker face wage restraint and demands for concessions. How can this be allowed when your government has forced Bill 124 on front-line workers?

To protect the vital services provided by Canadian Hearing Services workers, we are calling you and the provincial government to ensure a fair deal for CHS workers and audit executive compensation and expenses at CHS.

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