In 2023, Doug Ford tried to divide Peel with the Hazel McCallion Act. Thanks to strong grassroots actions like these, he lost.

Or so we thought…

CUPE Ontario is sounding the alarm 🚨

The Hazel McCallion Act was never repealed, and the Doug Ford appointed “Transition Board” remains in place and continues to develop its plans to leave the city footing the bill to operate its essential public services. All done in secret.

Their new Mandate:

To make recommendations “on the transfer of the services that are currently provided by the Regional Municipality of Peel: land use planning, water and wastewater, stormwater, highways and waste management.”

This is outrageous.

If you think the residents of Peel deserve better, please take a moment to add your name to this petition.


Sign the petition to demand transparency from the Doug Ford Conservatives.

Subject: Keep Peel Public!


Dear [MPP],

I was deeply concerned to discover that your government continues to meet in secret to develop its plans to download essential services to the municipalities of Peel.

I thought this was settled, so let me be clear: I do not support the transfer of services from Peel to the municipalities, which will inevitably lead to:

• Higher taxes
• Out-of-pocket charges
• Worse and inefficient services
• Loss of local control of our resources and infrastructure
• Job losses and lower wages for municipal workers

This is an election issue for me. Please respond to confirm that you will do everything in your power to prevent the downloading of Peel’s Public Services.


[Postal Code]

    Are you a CUPE member?
