300 King St
London, ON N6B 1S2

Second Call
The above noted meeting and conference will be held at:
300 King Street
London, ON N6B 1S2
Locals are asked to make ALL HOTEL RESERVATIONS through W.E. Travel.
1-888-676-7747 (toll free)
Ask for Christina or Nora
[Mention SSWCC-Social Service Conference when booking your room(s)]
If you require any special accommodation needs, please inform the hotel/W.E. Travel of your request upon booking your room(s).
Registration Fee (per delegate, including lunch on Friday):
For Affiliates: For Non-Affiliates:
$235.00 until March 13, 2016 $395.00 until March 13, 2016
$285.00 beginning March 14, 2016 $445.00 beginning March 14, 2016
Note: There is no limit to the number of delegates a local may send; the number of voting delegates is as per the SSWCC Bylaws.
For further information contact: Uliana Siniavskaia at 905-739-3999 ext.235 or [email protected]