March 2, 2022 – March 4, 2022 all day

The LW/OMECC 2022 Conference is now virtual. Click here to read the Final Call notice. Click here to download the agenda for this conference. Click here to register, https://cupe.on.ca/cupe-ontario-omecc-conference-2022/, with password: conference2022.

Click here to download Kaleb Dahlgren’s biography.

Voting Delegates
While OMECC’s by-laws allow locals to register an unlimited number of delegates to attend the Conference, there are criteria for, and limits on, the number of voting delegates each affiliated local is entitled to send. The number of voting delegates per affiliated local are detailed in Article 4, Section 6 of the OMECC by-laws which can be found here. As this is an online event, locals will be asked to designate their voting delegates ahead of the event and their voting delegates will receive an individual email, with their voting credentials, before the Conference begins.

Standing for Election at the OMECC Conference
In order to be eligible to run in an election at the OMECC Conference, a delegate must be a voting delegate from an affiliated local and registered as such. Anyone nominating a candidate to stand for election should also be a voting delegate. Please see the section above, which outlines the process for locals to designate their voting delegates.

OMECC Education Day: Thursday, March 10th, 2022

As part of this year’s OMECC conference, CUPE National is offering a one-day Education on Thursday, March 10, 2022. Please find the details around the registration and event in the attached flyer.