CUPE Ontario IW & HS 2023 Conference Registration


This webpage and registration form is intended for the individual in the local who is authorized to register on behalf of their local.

If you are not the authorized local leader from your local, you cannot use this form to submit registration.

Each person you register will be sent a personalized email, asking them to fill in their own information.

Every delegate must have a unique email address. This is extremely important, as voting credentials will be emailed to each delegates individual email. Please do not fill in this form unless you have the personal email addresses of each of your delegates.

Once you have submitted this form, the delegates you registered will receive a personalized link by email, asking them to complete their registration. This personalized registration information includes accommodation requests. Accommodation requests including French, ASL and requesting printed materials are due by Friday, October 6, 2023

Workshop Descriptions

1. WSIB 101: Local Advocacy and Bargaining

Tuesday: %work1spots% spots remaining
Wednesday: %work10spots% spots remaining

This workshop introduces participants to the compensation system in Ontario, the history and principles of compensation legislation and third-party rights of action. Key definitions within the system are described, including worker, employer, accident, disablement, recurrence, secondary injuries, aggravation, occupational disease, stress and chronic pain. There will be a focus on Local Advocacy and having a local WSIB advocate as well as bargaining language for WSIB and return to work.

2. Psychologically Safe Workplaces

Tuesday: %work2spots% spots remaining
Wednesday: %work11spots% spots remaining

What is a psychologically healthy and safe workplace? Learn to identify the psychosocial hazards in a workplace, and the role of the steward or advocate in eliminating them.

3. Duty to Accommodate and Medical Documentation

Tuesday: %work3spots% spots remaining
Wednesday: %work12spots% spots remaining

Accommodating workers with disabilities (whether permanent or temporary) is one of the most important tasks and often involves worker’s having to release sensitive medical information or attending independent medical evaluations. Learn about how to navigate the tricky balancing act of helping our members find suitable work while protecting their privacy.

4. Creating Accommodation Friendly Workplaces

Tuesday: %work4spots% spots remaining
Wednesday: %work13spots% spots remaining

Learn the legal framework for the duty to accommodate, what a good accommodation process and plan look like, and what to do if the employer is not willing to provide reasonable accommodation.

NOTE: Please bring your Steward Handbook to the workshop

5. Mobilizing around Health and Safety (CUPE) -

Tuesday: %work5spots% spots remaining
Wednesday: %work14spots% spots remaining

In this workshop you will learn what mobilizing for health and safety looks like, how to engage members around health and safety in your workplace and how to create a mobilizing plan.

6. Making Committees Work (CUPE)

Tuesday: %work6spots% spots remaining
Wednesday: %work15spots% spots remaining

This workshop explores the structure, role and function of health and safety committees, their strengths, and limitations, and how they can best work within the legislative framework, and within our union.

7. Indoor Air Quality (CUPE)

Tuesday: %work7spots% spots remaining

Wednesday: %work16spots% spots remaining

The pandemic has reminded us of the importance of proper ventilation and indoor air quality. In this workshop, participants will learn about the principles of ventilation and how to improve the air in the workplace.

8. Workload and Overwork (CUPE)

Tuesday: %work8spots% spots remaining
Wednesday: %work17spots% spots remaining

As employers pull back resources, they expect workers to do more with less. This module will examine workload, the cause and effects of overwork, and strategies to overcome the ever-increasing workload that is damaging not just our health at work, but the relationship we have outside of work.

9. Training for What Matter Most (WHSC)

Tuesday: %work9spots% spots remaining
Wednesday: %work18spots% spots remaining

When it comes to worker health and safety, surviving matters, but thriving matters more. Equally important, training matters, but learning matters more. This workshop will explore what quality health and safety training for workers looks like, its ultimate objectives and delivery methods, plus essential legal requirements, and bargaining tools to achieve them.

Important Notice
Thank you for considering a registration for our upcoming Ontario Health & Safety and Injured
Workers Advocacy Committees Conference.
This communication is to be clear with locals sending delegates about election process at this event.
The Health & Safety Committee and the Injured Worker’s Advocacy Committee both fall under
the CUPE Ontario Constitution. As committees of CUPE Ontario, delegate entitlement for
voting is in accordance with Article 4 (d) 1 of our Constitution.
Locals are free to send as many members to the conference as you are able.
For the purposes of voting, in terms of any motions at the event, and for elections of committee
members who are elected at large during the conference, if your local sends more people than their voting entitlement, you will need to designate those who are entitled to vote.
There is one fee per member for all people attending the conference.

Your local can send as many delegates as you would like to the conference, but to be able to vote on IWHSAC business your local must be affiliated to CUPE Ontario and can send voting delegates based on the following:

Number of Local Members Voting Delegates
1 to 100 2
101 to 200 3
201 to 300 4
301 to 400 5
401 to 500 6
501 to 600 7
601 to 700 8
701 to 850 9
851 to 1000 10
For each additional 500 members 1 additional delegate
District Council 2
Council of Unions 1