“It’s time to support good jobs and help avert strikes”: CUPE front-line education and service workers hold a rally at U of T

TORONTO, ON – CUPE 3902 and CUPE 3261, representing two bargaining units of approximately 1,100 contract education workers and 700 full time and part time front-line service workers respectively, held a rally to call on U of T to support good jobs and avert potential strikes. “Good jobs are disappearing at U of T, while…

Protect services for Deaf and Hard of Hearing

Protect services for Deaf and Hard of Hearing Workers at the Canadian Hearing Services provide services that are vital for the deaf and hard of hearing community, including interpretation and services related to employment and education. The Deaf community relies on their services every day for doctor’s appointments, in hospitals and courts, in schools and…

CUPE 543 Windsor city workers to deliver Thanksgiving dinners today in partnership with Windsor-Essex food bank association

WINDSOR, ON – CUPE 543 city workers will be distributing gift hampers to individuals and families in need in Windsor this morning as part of a charity drive in partnership with the Windsor-Essex Food Bank Association. The hampers were packed by municipal workers commemorating the ninth year of an initiative they call ‘Operation Giveback.’ “Operation…

“Repeal Bill 124”: CUPE Ontario launches campaign to support frontline workers

Toronto, ON – Now’s the time to finally repeal the Constitution-violating legislation which caps total compensation, including wages, for public sector workers to only 1 per cent, said the Canadian Union of Public Employees (CUPE) Ontario during a press conference. “The Ford Conservatives have simply done nothing to deal with the skyrocketing cost of living,”…

Developmental Service Worker Appreciation Week 2022 Statement

Workers in developmental service continue to be on the frontline providing direct support to adults living with intellectual and physical disabilities. This year, CUPE joins unions across Canada in acknowledging Developmental Service Worker Appreciation Week from June 19-25, 2022. During this week, CUPE will share educational shareables and infographics, member stories and videos, and an…

Front-line workers deserve permanent wage increases, not more spin: CUPE Ontario calls Bill 106 a crass political ploy before an election

TORONTO, ON – Don’t be fooled by the Ford Conservatives’ saying they’re increasing wages for personal support workers, says the Canadian Union of Public Employees (CUPE) Ontario. “Imagine the excitement that burnt out, underpaid, and incredibly vulnerable personal support workers in health care and developmental services felt when they saw headlines saying the Ford Conservatives…

“You are hurting children and families,” CUPE 1528 slams provincial government for funding cuts

SAULT STE. MARIE, ON – Last week, the workers delivering critical programs for children through the Algoma Public Health unit bid farewell to their beloved clients and their families after being laid off following provincial funding cuts. For 30 years, CUPE 1528 members served the community through APH’s infant and child development program, and the…

Ontario child care advocates celebrate hard-won victory with signing Canada-Ontario child care agreement; call for stronger child care workforce strategy

Toronto, ON— Ontario child care advocates are celebrating the signing of the Canada-Ontario child care agreement, but are also warning that child care expansion will fail without addressing the sector’s plummeting staff retention and growing worker shortage. “Today is a huge step forward, but we must learn from the mistakes of our past and correct…