“We won’t be forced into a contract. We’ll go on strike instead”: Black River-Matheson municipal workers now on strike

Black-River Matheson, ON) – After being locked out for 15 weeks, Black River-Matheson municipal workers are now on strike after the Township ended the lock out by forcing a contract on the workers, says the Canadian Union of Public Employees (CUPE) Local 1490. “Last week we overwhelming rejected the employer’s contract during a forced vote…

“We overwhelmingly rejected an offer forced on us”: Locked out Black River-Matheson municipal workers continue to fight for better wages for all

(Black-River Matheson, ON) – Locked out Black River-Matheson municipal workers have overwhelmingly rejected an offer forced on them by the Township and are now ramping up their efforts for a good deal, says the Canadian Union of Public Employees (CUPE) Local 1490. “We said it before and we’ll say it again,” said Serge Bouchard, President…

“We won’t be forced to accept an offer that only takes us backwards”: Locked out Black River-Matheson municipal workers

Black-River Matheson, ON) – In the 14th week of a strike, the Town of Black River-Matheson is effectively bargaining backwards with the 14 municipal workers who keep the roads safe, the arena running, and the town running smoothly, says the Canadian Union of Public Employees (CUPE) Local 1490. “We have held out for this long…

“St. Catharines’ forestry must remain public”: Forestry workers set to fill council in opposition to the threat of job cuts

(St. Catharines, ON) With the Mayor of St. Catharines presenting a budget that included the privatization of forestry as an item, forestry workers, members of CUPE Local 150, are set to attend a council meeting to protect their jobs and services, and to ensure that forestry remains public. “A sufficient tree canopy provides invaluable ecological…

CUPE 2936 members vote to reject tentative agreement as offer would do little to reverse staffing crisis

OSHAWA, ON – After nearly two years of bargaining, CUPE 2936.02 and 2936.03 members – all developmental service workers at Community Living Oshawa Clarington (CLOC) – voted to reject a tentative agreement. Members entered negotiations focused on improving wages in line with other Community Living agencies; ending the practice of contracting out which sees outside…

Labour and community allies to set out key principles for the dissolution of Peel

BRAMPTON – In response to the provincially mandated dissolution of Peel, representatives from labour and local non-profits are setting out their key principles for protecting and improving services for residents in post-dissolution Brampton, Mississauga and Caledon. At a news conference on Thursday, speakers will include representatives from the Metamorphosis Network, which represents over 100 non-profit…

Developmental service workers vow to keep fighting for programs and a fair contract as day programs close

Guelph, ON – After a two-month-long fight by families, workers, and allies, Community Living Guelph Wellington’s day program and EmployMEnt Options have closed not with a bang, but with a whimper. CLGW’s September announcement that they were facing a $3 million deficit led many to hope for a last-minute government intervention. Local MPPs met with…

CUPE 53 and Whitby Library celebrate successful negotiation of first collective agreement.

Whitby, ON – The Whitby Library achieved a significant milestone last night by successfully securing their first tentative collective agreement with CUPE 53, which represents city workers employed by the Town of Whitby. This accomplishment follows closely on the heels of CUPE 53’s resolution of a strike that concluded on November 15, after lasting over…