Far from ending hallway medicine, Windsor / Essex stands to lose 81 more hospital beds, more than 390 staff under Ford programs

Keep me updated on health care cuts across Ontario! Your Full Name (required) Your Email (required) Are you a CUPE member? YesNo Would you like to be contacted by CUPE Ontario regarding this campaign and others? Yes   WINDSOR, ON – Hallway medicine, hospital overcrowding and bed crisis will deepen at Windsor’s hospitals under Premier…

Hospital’s closing century-old laundry and killing jobs is out of step with municipal candidates’ push to boost local economy

  PEMBROKE, ON – Candidates vying for seats in the coming municipal election who are talking up local economic development and jobs are on the right page, say staff trying to keep the area hospital from closing the in-house laundry and axing five full-time local jobs. However, they add, the Pembroke Regional Hospital is remarkably…

PC cuts to hospital surge beds follows cuts to mental health and addictions: PC health policy becomes clear despite attempt to dress bed cuts as new beds

  TORONTO, ON – As Ontario’s already overcrowded hospitals hit the fall flu season, a PC government announcement that slashes surge beds and funding by more than half, is “deceptive, misleading and very concerning,” says Michael Hurley, president of the Ontario Council of Hospital Unions. Last winter, the predecessor Liberals announced $187 million for 2018-2019…

PCs’ guns for hire report makes it more certain that at least 3,500 Ontario hospital beds and 16,500 staff will be cut

  TORONTO, ON – Far from delivering a “line-by-line” accounting of provincial funding, the PC government’s $500,000 Ernst and Young (EY) report on the province’s finances “is gun for hire advocacy for downsizing public services, the sale of profitable provincial assets, user fees, means testing and increased privatization,” says Michael Hurley, president of the Ontario…

Far from ending hallway medicine, London stands to lose 183 more hospital beds, more than 1,025 staff under Ford programs

  LONDON, ON – Already funded and staffed at levels well below other provinces, Ontario’s hospitals’ hallway medicine and bed crisis will deepen under Premier Doug Ford’s public service “efficiency” program and promised tax cuts, the Ontario Council of Hospital Unions (OCHU) warned today in London. OCHU, the hospital division of the Canadian Union of…

Far from ending hallway medicine, Pembroke stands to lose 10 more hospital beds, more than 55 staff under Ford programs

  PEMBROKE, ON – Already funded and staffed at levels well below other provinces, Ontario’s hospitals’ hallway medicine and bed crisis will deepen under Premier Doug Ford’s public service “efficiency” program and promised tax cuts, the Ontario Council of Hospital Unions (OCHU) warned today in Pembroke. OCHU, the hospital division of the Canadian Union of…

Far from ending hallway medicine, Kingston stands to lose 90 more hospital beds, more than 460 staff under Ford programs

  KINGSTON, ON – Already funded and staffed at levels well below other provinces, Ontario’s hospitals’ hallway medicine and bed crisis will deepen under Premier Doug Ford’s public service “efficiency” program and promised tax cuts, the Ontario Council of Hospital Unions (OCHU) warned today in Kingston. OCHU, the hospital division of the Canadian Union of…

Far from ending hallway medicine, Kitchener stands to lose 60 more hospital beds, more than 340 staff under Ford programs

  KITCHENER, ON – Already funded and staffed at levels well below other provinces, Ontario’s hospitals’ hallway medicine and bed crisis will deepen under Premier Doug Ford’s public service “efficiency” program and promised tax cuts, the Ontario Council of Hospital Unions (OCHU) warned today in Kitchener. OCHU, the hospital division of the Canadian Union of…

Far from ending hallway medicine, Durham stands to lose 125 more hospital beds, more than 450 staff under Ford programs

  OSHAWA, ON – Already funded and staffed at levels well below other provinces, Ontario’s hospitals’ hallway medicine and bed crisis will deepen under Premier Doug Ford’s public service “efficiency” program and promised tax cuts, the Ontario Council of Hospital Unions (OCHU) warned today in Oshawa. OCHU, the hospital division of the Canadian Union of…