“A Day of Action for the Day of Mourning”: It’s time to redouble our efforts to protect workers

Every year, on April 28, we pause to mourn and recognize workers who have been injured and killed on the job. And while we remember we also understand the fundamental importance of the political work of fighting for the living by redoubling our efforts to demand real safety for workers and the communities that rely…

Health minister misinformed: 87 per cent of Ontario health care staff polled say not enough PPE on hand to keep them safe

TORONTO, ON – On Saturday, after Ontario Minister of Health Christine Elliot announced that personal protective equipment (PPE) it was readily available, 87 per cent of health care staff polled by the Canadian Union of Public Employees (CUPE) reported that they do not have access to the PPE they need to deal with COVID-19 patients.…

COVID-19 & CUPE Ontario Operations

Dear CUPE Ontario members, As we all know, the situation related to COVID-19 is changing rapidly. CUPE Ontario is committed to doing our part to help slow the spreading of this infectious disease in our communities. CUPE Ontario will be providing regular updates to keep members informed regarding our operations as things change. Effective Tuesday…

Keep it in class: Health and Safety Member Certification

Dear Minister McNaughton, I am writing to you to discuss my concerns surrounding your governments proposal to eliminate the classroom learning for the Part One Joint Health & Safety Member Certification, and provide instead an online, e-learning module. I truly believe in the value of classroom training and feel it provides an enriched learning with…

As bargaining with Infrastructure Health and Safety Association reaches crossroads, the Ontario Compensation Employees Union (OCEU) / CUPE 1750 requests ‘No Board’ report

  TORONTO, ON – Negotiators for the union representing 140 staff at the Infrastructure Health and Safety Association (IHSA), after months of trying to secure a fair collective agreement, say they have reached a ‘crossroads’ and have requested a ‘No Board’ report from the Ministry of Labour. “We believe the two sides are close to…

CUPE Ontario marks Injured Workers Day by calling on the government to take action against increasing violence in the workplace.

Every year on June 1st, we recognize workers who have been injured or made sick on the job and raise our voices for safer workplaces and better treatment of all workers.   Everyone deserves a safe and harassment-free workplace, and if a person is injured at work, they deserve a public system of support and…