Report It - for everyone's sake

Report it

Creating safe workplaces is everyone’s job. Do your part by reporting workplace hazards, incidents and injuries. Reporting them now can save lives in the long run. Follow the links below to learn more about hazards, incidents and injuries, why to report them and how to report them. What to report – What are workplace hazards,…

Scathing report means Wynne must stop Hydro One sale before it becomes next Liberal scandal

TORONTO, ON – Today’s report by the province’s financial accountability officer should be the final nail in the coffin of the ill-conceived sell-off of Hydro One, said Fred Hahn, president of the Canadian Union of Public Employees (CUPE) Ontario. “This privatization plan has been a mistake from day one. Now the financial accountability officer has…

Have your say on the gender wage gap

No way! She makes 31.5% less than a man? It’s hard to believe that a gender wage gap still exists in 2015. But the numbers tell us very clearly that the gap is alive, present and large. The average annual earnings of women in Ontario are 31.5% lower than those of men. The numbers are…

Appeal It!

Mental health issues are inadequately addressed in many workplaces, and mental health claims are often denied by the WSIB. CUPE Ontario has created this page to provide information and resources about preventing psychological injury, and about the process for filing and appealing workplace mental health claims. The first step is to assess workplace hazards. Occupational…

CUPE Ontario alleges Liberals have contravened securities laws by eliminating board’s role in Hydro One sale

TORONTO, ON – The Liberal government has sidelined the Hydro One board of directors in advance of the proposed sell-off of this public asset, according to a letter sent to the Ontario Securities Commission (OSC) on behalf of CUPE (Canadian Union of Public Employees) Ontario. The letter charges that the Ontario government’s move contravenes securities…