October 24th, 2019 is the 19th annual Child Care Worker & Early Childhood Educator Appreciation Day. This year’s theme is Champions for Children.

Today we recognize and thank the dedicated, hardworking Child Care Workers and Early Childhood Educators who take care of our children across Ontario.  They truly are Champions for Children.

The tireless efforts of providers who care for children of working parents and the value of their care to children across this province needs to be appreciated and applauded. However, child care workers cannot do the work and take care of our children if we don’t provide job certainty, if we don’t better working conditions, if we don’t provide better wages and if we don’t offer the necessary supports child care workers need to do their jobs well.

Under the Ford Conservatives, the jobs and the care child care workers provide families are at risk.  We need to protect and be unified in our commitment to stop the Ford Conservatives from cutting hundreds of important early childhood educator jobs. This is why CUPE Ontario’s campaign, Communities, Not Cuts is so important today.  We need to provide workers and our communities the supports they need so that child care workers can continue to do their jobs to contribute and help improve the lives of children, families and our communities.

They become a part of a family’s daily life, nurturing and educating their kids.  It’s important that we recognize the value our child care providers not just today but all year round.

CUPE Ontario would like to thank all the Child Care Workers and Early Childhood Educators for your dedication and commitment to our kids.

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