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MISSISSAUGA, Ont. After refusing to accept substandard pensions for future generations, laboratory professionals and clerical staff at the Canadian Standards Association (CSA) will be on legal strike at 12:01 a.m., Monday, November 18.

The 275 workers, members of Local 967 of the Canadian Union of Public Employees (CUPE 967), overwhelmingly rejected CSA’s last offer, rejecting a two-tier pension system that would force future employees into having so-called ‘defined contribution’ plans.

“CSA’s CEO has boasted that the organization is now a ‘cash machine,’ yet it’s demanding future generations of workers would be condemned to retire with inadequate pensions,” said CUPE National Representative David Gwilt.

“Our members were very clear last week we will not sell out future generations’ retirements, and will strike for the future,” he added.

Despite being a ‘not-for-profit’ organization that certifies consumer products entering the Canadian market are safe to use, CSA realized net earnings of $15 million last year. Chief Executive Officer Ash Sahi told the Globe and Mail newspaper CSA was a ‘cash machine’ earlier this year.

Last week, at CSA’s insistence, Local 967’s bargaining committee presented members with CSA’s last offer, which included the two-tier pension proposal for new hires.

“Our members are a vital component of CSA’s success. That success shouldn’t be on the backs of future generations’ retirements. It’s time for CSA to get serious about negotiating a fair settlement,” said Paul Benson, President of CUPE 967.

He added that Local 967’s bargaining committee is available to bargain at a moment’s notice between now until the Monday deadline.

CUPE 967 represents 275 laboratory professionals and clerical staff at CSA’s Corporate Head Office in Rexdale and at CSA’s Mississauga location.


For more information, please contact:

Kevin Wilson, CUPE Communications          416-821-6641