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The region’s CUPE school board workers come out in numbers to show solidarityOSBCCImage.png

Niagara, ON – On Saturday, April 14, over 500 school board workers gathered in Niagara for the Ontario School Board Coordinating Committee’s (OSBCC) Area 12 Joint Emergency Meeting.

At the event, OSBCC Chair Terri Preston and OSBCC Coordinator Brian Blakeley gave a presentation to members to update them on negotiations. Information on the April 21 – Ontario Day of Action was also shared with the crowd. Members were encouraged to sign up for strike aversion and strike preparation training taking place at the end of April and by the end of the day, over 50 participants had put their names down.

CUPE 1287 Unit Chair Todd Menard, who works for the Lincoln Humane Society spoke about his local’s 53-day strike. It was announced that CUPE President Paul Moist would be joining the picket line the following day and that everyone should come and show their support. Donations were collected throughout the meeting and the money was presented to Brother Menard – thanks to all for the generous contributions.

Special thanks to everyone who took part in making this meeting a success and for the overwhelming show of solidarity by the members who attended.