CUPE Ontario supports the Ontario Network of Injured Workers’ Groups’ province-wide Workers’ Comp is a Right campaign because we need to stand up to the injustices being committed against injured workers.

For too long, the Workplace Safety & Insurance Board (WSIB) has gotten away with violating workers’ rights through cutbacks and austerity. The system has been transformed from one that is supposed to support injured workers to one that is hostile to them.

We refuse to accept this. Injured workers are taking a stand across Ontario to reclaim their voice and to call for a strong, public workers’ compensation system that operates according to its founding principles.

With the Workers’ Comp is a Right campaign, injured workers throughout the province are coming together and organizing around three key demands:

  1. No cuts based on phantom jobs!

  2. Listen to injured workers’ treating healthcare professionals!

  3. Stop cutting benefits based on “pre-existing conditions”!

Together, we are powerful, and we have the collective strength to build our movement until we achieve these demands and see justice for injured workers.

Click to download a copy of the petition to the Legislative Assembly of Ontario.

Click to send an email to the Minister of Labour.